Welcome to Your Piano Journey at Con Brio Piano Studio!
Hi, it’s me — your future piano instructor and coach! This was me at age seven, performing in Seattle, Washington, at my very first Honors Piano Recital. That moment sparked a lifelong love for music and playing piano, and I haven’t looked back since. My studio is built on the belief that music is more than a skill—it’s a way to create joy, connect with others, and craft meaningful memories. I can’t wait to help you embark on your own piano journey.
I’m thrilled to welcome you to this special Piano Adventure Kickoff Meet & Greet—a chance for us to connect, learn more about each other, and set the stage for an exciting piano-learning adventure!
Before Your Meet & Greet
To make the most of our Piano Adventure Kickoff together, please take a few minutes to complete the following steps:
Review Our Studio Guidelines & Policies
Understanding how the studio operates ensures we start on the right note!
Click here to explore General Studio Member Guidelines (password: pianolove)
Click here to explore Student Expectations
Click here to explore Parent Resources
Explore the Studio Blog
Dive into our studio’s fun musical explorations, accomplishments, and community highlights!
What to Expect During Your Piano Adventure Kickoff Meet & Greet
A Warm Introduction: Get to know the studio, my teaching approach, the programs available, and what makes Con Brio Piano Studio special.
Ask Questions: Whether it’s about lesson plans, your current instrument or instrument shopping, practice expectations, performance opportunities, and more — no question is too small!
A Snapshot of Learning: If time permits and it feels appropriate, I’ll guide your child through a brief, fun musical activity at the piano and give you both a tour of our online piano portal, showcase our integrated and interactive audio curriculum, and highlight some of the exciting tools we’ll use to support their learning journey.
"Playing an instrument is awesome. Singing is awesome. Creating music is awesome. Performing music is awesome. Listening to music is awesome. Jamming with your friends is awesome. Meeting new people through music-making is awesome. It's all awesome. Music is awesome!"
— Vaughan Fleischfresser
Next Steps
After the Meet & Greet, you’ll have the opportunity to:
Secure Your Spot: Learn more about lesson availability and how to enroll.
Plan Ahead: We’ll discuss which program or schedule suits your family’s needs best.
I can’t wait to meet you and your family!
If you have any questions before our meeting, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s make this the start of something extraordinary!